Developing Management Skills

The challenge of leading people is more complex than ever. Traditional command-and-control managerial approaches do not work anymore, clearing the stage for much more human-focused and result-driven orientations.

We have translated these leadership orientations into habits that can be acquired. During our workshops, leaders learn simple and concrete behavioral skills. They find new and intriguing ways for empowering their team members and enabling them to expect more from themselves.

Becoming a Leader

People want to be led by honest and worthy individuals. They will not be motivated unless they understand why. This is probably one of the reasons why we usually promote first-line managers from within; from the professional teams.
The common practice states that in order to become a sales manager you should first be a salesman; before becoming R&D manager, you should work as an engineer. Whether we like this practice or not, initial managerial legitimacy of young team leaders, derives mainly from their professional expertise.

Yet, the promotion to a managerial position sets in motion a series of challenges for new leaders. They are obliged to rise to the occasion, sharpening their interpersonal and managerial skills, and step outside their comfort zone

Our Offering

Though people are often promoted to managerial positions as a result of their professional expertise and positive attitude, many lack relevant knowledge or management experience. They initially perform their managerial tasks without formal training and are forced to learn management intuitively and on the go. This is where we come in.

Developing Management Skills in a Nutshell

The objective of our management skills programs is to train managers by providing them with a comfortable platform for thinking out loud, sharing, learning, and assimilating simple managerial tools. During the program, participants create and sharpen their managerial identity while incorporating effective habits and routines.
Before kicking-off the program, we conduct a short needs assessment. During this analysis, we map gaps in knowledge, skills, and abilities, and assemble a tailormade training program.

This program is shared with relevant stakeholders and receives management’s approval and engagement beforehand.

Next, we conduct a series of experiential workshops that provide simple and concrete management practices, develop a “managerial language”, increase self-awareness and enhance overall managerial capacity.

The Workshop

The program’s sessions are characterized by practical and clear concretization of simple human principles. During the workshop, we analyze challenging situations and present different ways for coping with daily issues of influence, interpersonal communication, managerial routines, functional space and organizational context.
The sessions cover the following three main management circles:

  • Self-management - gaining focus, managing priorities, planning, promoting infrastructure
  • Team management - setting expectations, providing feedback, team building
  • Management without authority - impact on interfaces, increase collaboration

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